Wat Is Dolby Digital


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Wat Is Dolby Digital
A tot Z audio
Hifi.nl is een online magazine cq internetportal met zeer veel informatie over audio en video gerelateerde merken, producten bedrijven. hifi staat voor high fidelity, hieronder verstaat hifi.nl de hoge natuurgetrouwheid van audio en video componenten en sets.

Dolby laboratories develops and delivers products and technologies that make the entertainment experience more realistic and immersive. for four decades dolby has been at the forefront of defining high-quality audio and surround sound in cinema, broadcast, home audio systems, cars, dvds, headphones, games, televisions, and personal computers.

Sony digital sound
Sony digital sound

Thx ltd. is the founder of quality assurance programs for superior cinema presentation. it was established in 1983 by george lucas to ensure that the entertainment consumer experienced films as the director intended.

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